Fujin ez jó idő?
Szerintem jó idő. F1 rekord 2008-ból 1:17.287 (Massa). A japán bajnokságban 500 lóerős Super GT autók mennek 1:32.481-et. Ha azt vesszük hogy a hungaroring 1:19 az f1 rekord és utcai autóval már a 2:00 jó idő akkor szerény elméletem szerint ez is jó idő. Bár ez gyorsabb pálya mint a hungaroring, na de akkor is.
Eladó a Hulk
Man On A Mission
basszus ezzel jók lennénk a ringen![]()
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The Syvecs S8 R35 GTR Engine management system is a complete replacement for the existing factory computer – not a piggyback or other interceptor device. The new unit enables live adjustment of every aspect of the engine’s calibration, while also offering the ability to control the TCM Module for adjustment of gear shift points, clutch clamping pressures, torque reduction, and much, much more!
Standard features
- Live Tuning of every aspect of the engine’s calibration, including signals sent to the TCM and 4WD
- Ability to select desired engine map, boost level, traction and launch control levels through steering wheel buttons
- Fully adjustable Launch control with Anti-lag strategies and Ramp in Maps
- Full Variable Valve Timing control
- Closed loop Dual Lambda Control
- Fully adjustable closed loop boost control with launch level adjustments and trims for turbo speed, air charge, engine coolant temp, exhaust gas temperatures etc
- Monitor and trimming of exhaust gas temperatures
- Built in data logging of up to 8 hours, with data rates at up to 1000hz
- Pit lane limiter strategies, great for building boost on a roll
- Antitheft and valet modes
- Super fast connection via RJ45 Ethernet port for live tuning anywhere in the world or even remotely if on track if connected to a wireless unit
- Adjustable traction control strategies based on lateral g, steering angle and/or individual wheel speed monitoring
- 4 programmable and selectable target slip maps. An immediate torque reduction can be applied by the ECU via ignition retard or a fuel cut
- Configurable Engine Safety Trips on all important parameters like oil temperature, oil pressure
- Fuel pump control of both main, and sub pumps, as well as Relative fuel pressure monitoring and limiting in the event of fuel pressure dropping on boost
- 4 different Pedal to Throttle Angle maps with multipliers for different parameters e.g. speed. Again adjustable via steering wheel buttons
- Configurable individual cylinder closed loop knock control, to suit any cylinder modification with adjustments to frequency, windows for listening and gains for each cylinder. Ability to trigger full cylinder shutdown in severe knock conditions.
- Ability to change torque levels or demand levels sent to 4wd unit and TCM ECU for changing of up shift and down shift points, clutch pressures and diff tightness.
- Change torque reduction levels on shifts. Essential for very high power GTRs where the maximum reduction available via the stock ECU is not enough to prevent damage to components
- Ability to change Torque ramp in after launch
- Change throttle blip requests to match your torque band. Especially useful on oversized turbo installations.
- Run up to 7bar map sensors
- Control high or low impendence injectors
- Control up to 12 injectors for high power installations where staged injection may be required
- Change injector dead times based on voltage levels for proper control
- Change injector end angle to ensure injection point is properly calibrated
- Ability to fit any type of external sensor to monitor and trigger safety trips from anything from crank case pressure to damper position
- Ability to use any size DBW throttle body e.g. Chevrolet LS7
- Wet and Dry nitrous control with ability to drive solenoids directly and control n20 heaters via pressure monitoring
- Ability to control any external vehicle features based on sensor inputs e.g. Adjustable rear wing Linked to G force or exhaust control valves
- Connect any race series dash or even one of our Touch-screen CANBUS adjustment /display units
- View any input live with built in scope up to 1000hz
- And much, much more!
The Full plug and Play kit includes 2 Lab Grade NTK Wideband Lambda Sensors and a 2.5m Loom. We specify superior Lambda sensors to improve accuracy in calibration control, as standard equipment sensors can be affected by exhaust temperature.
akkor most gt-r-ed lesz?![]()
Csak ember legyen a talpán aki mindezt a "néhány" funkciót fel is progizza.![]()
A "mieinken" rajta van a szárny? Mert ezen nincs,szerintem ekkora tempónál igencsak számít!![]()
azért vicces, hogy az a hajtókar kisebb mint egy stroker evo hajtókar. Itt jön be az, hogy akár mit csinálsz a 6 henger-t nem tudod megverni 4-el.
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